Thesis & Dissertations(Doctoral & Master)

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    Contractual Completeness, Trust and Perceived Project Performance in Construction Projects in Wakiso District Uganda.
    (2024) Namakula, Christine
    The Assessment report (2020), on Wakiso district local government performance assessment for FY2017/2018 revealed that over 70% of construction projects in the district were performing poorly as a result of stakeholders in the projects failing to execute their responsibilities and duties as per the contract. Despite the vast literature on project performance in construction projects, scanty studies have been conducted within the context of the Wakiso district. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between contractual completeness, trust, and project performance in Wakiso district, Uganda. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design which allowed for the collection of quantitative data using a self-administered questionnaire. The study population consisted of 284 officials from the Wakiso district local government and contractors. Krejcie & Morgan's (1970) sample distribution table was used to determine the sample size of 242 officials. The study used Pearson correlation to establish the association between variables and the linear regression model to establish the predictive power of the independent variables (contractual completeness and trust) on the dependent variable (perceived project performance). The quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS Version 25. The findings of the correlation analysis showed a significant moderate positive relationship between contractual completeness and perceived project performance. It also indicated a significant moderate positive relationship between trust and perceived project performance implying that the level of contractual completeness and trust is associated directly with perceived project performance. The regression analysis showed that contractual completeness predicts perceived project performance by 19.4% while trust predicts performance by 40.7%. The study concluded that trust with its constructs significantly and positively contributes to the perceived project performance of the construction projects in Wakiso district. The researcher recommends that the district authorities should monitor the procedures involved in awarding construction projects to all contractors. Government agencies should not delay contract approvals to contractors as this will affect the execution of the construction contracts. The government agencies should establish enforcement mechanisms to prevent violation of contracts by stakeholders involved in construction projects in the Wakiso district. Government agencies should ensure that there are no delays in project fund release as it affects the effective execution of contracts at the district. There is a need to determine the other predictors of perceived project performance since contractual completeness and trust only predicted 31.4% of the variance in perceived project performance of construction projects. This research investigated the influence of contractual completeness and trust on perceived project performance, future research can examine the effect of contractual completeness and trust on perceived project performance using mediating variables.
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    Transformational Leadership, Employee Commitment and Employee Performance at National Water and Sewerage Corporations in West Nile, Uganda.
    (2024) Tabu, Lambert
    The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between transformational leadership, employee commitment, and employee performance of NWSC in West Nile region in Uganda. The researcher used quantitative and cross-sectional research design for the study. Validity and reliability of the instruments showed that all variables under study were reliable with Cronbach’s alpha statistic for all the variables measuring above 0.70- as required by (Nunnally, 1978). The researcher issued out 93 questionnaires to respondents and 89 questionnaires were returned: representing a response rate of 95.7%. The relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable was measured using correlation analysis, while the contribution of the independent variables in predicting the changes in the dependent variable was measured using regression analysis method. Research findings from correlation analysis revealed a significant positive relationship between transformational leadership and employee performance. The study finding also revealed a significant positive relationship between employee commitment and employee performance of NWSC in West Nile. The regression analysis result indicated that transformational leadership and employee commitment accounted for 47.8% of the changes in employee performance. This suggested that 52.2% of the changes in employee performance at NWSC West Nile region was attributed to factors beyond the scope of this study. It was therefore established that transformational leadership and employee commitment were found to be good predictors of employee commitment. It was however recommended that management should put more emphasis in promoting transformational leadership as it was found to predict employee performance better than employee commitment. This could be done through: idealized influence, inspirational and intellectual motivation, and individualized considerations. Future studies should explore the other factors that influence employee performance other than transformational leadership and employee commitment.
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    Financial Capability, Social Networks and Financial Inclusion among Women Owned Micro Business in Olok Parish Pallisa District.
    (2024) Ikalani, Petra
    This paper examined the role of social networks and financial capability towards the achievement of financial inclusion among women owned micro businesses in Olok Parish Pallisa District. The study adopted a cross-sectional and correlation design using a sample of 196 women owned micro businesses. Data was analysed using SPSS and results were presented based on the study objectives. Findings revealed a significant positive relationship between social networks and financial inclusion although the regression results confirmed that social networks don‘t predict any changes in financial inclusion in the area, majorly because these networks are mostly used for bonding and not business development. Furthermore, a significant positive relationship between financial capability and financial inclusion was revealed. The study proposes interventions including giving the women specialized credit to enhance business growth, Banks, and other financial providers to consider opening branches in the area with credit products of longer grace periods, regular sensitization, and trainings to enhance knowledge and skills in money management, financial products and services using the already existing social groups to enable these women gain access to the scare and vital information. Keywords: Financial Capability, Women, Social Networks, Financial Inclusion
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    Financial Inclusion, Financial Innovation and Poverty Levels among SACCO Members.
    (2024) Hamid, Safi Shantal
    Uganda government has put up a number of programs like Poverty Alleviation Project, Poverty Eradication Action Plan, and Project for Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas and the recent being Parish Development Model to reduce poverty levels through use of SACCOs. Despite all these efforts, there are still wide-regional disparities in attaining required poverty levels targets. In northern Uganda the people leaving below the poverty line remained unchanged and in Acholi sub region in particular, poverty levels deepened from 8.9% in 2016/17 to 11.3% in 2019/2020. The study focused on establishing relationship between financial inclusion and poverty level, financial innovation and poverty levels and predictive power of financial inclusion and financial innovation on poverty levels. The study adopted a cross sectional research design which allowed for the collection of quantitative data using self-administered questionnaire. The study population consisted of 17,770 SACCOs in Gulu City northern Uganda (Gulu City Commercial Quarterly report, 2023). Krejcie & Morgan (1970) sample distribution table was used to determine the sample size of 376 SACCO members. The study used Pearson correlation to establish the association between variables and the linear regression model was used to establish the relationship between financial inclusion, financial innovation and poverty reduction levels. The quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS Version 25. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant positive relationship between financial inclusion and poverty levels. The findings further revealed a positive significant relationship between financial innovation and poverty levels in Gulu city, northern Uganda. And finally, the study showed that overall financial inclusion and financial innovation explain variations in poverty levels. Predicted 20.5% (Adjusted R2 = .205) of the variance in poverty levels in Gulu city, northern Uganda. The study recommends the following strategies would improve the poverty levels in Gulu city, northern Uganda; the government of Uganda should formulate a financial inclusion policy that would focus on ensuring that financial institutions like SACCOs make their products accessible, user friendly, available for the usage of the citizenry .Management of SACCOs should encourage financial innovation through innovating of their process and products, introduce new products and improve them regularly to match customer’s need for different purposes. The supervisors of SACCOs, that is, savings and credit cooperative should liaise with government and commercial banks to provide the necessary legislations to penetrate the market with an affordable financial product so that everyone will get included to attain an inclusion level that would stimulate positive poverty levels, specifically medium to high level of inclusion. This will help to achieve a uniform impact with regard to poverty levels. Management of SACCOs should introduce online mobile services or automated system for the members to perform their financial transactions 24 hours to promote accessibility and usage of Sacco product
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    Enhancing Financial Sustainability at Uganda Red Cross Society.
    (2024) Muramira, Nicholas Binugwa
    The purpose of the study is to assess financial sustainability at the Uganda Red Cross Society of Uganda. This was a cross-sectional research design with a mixed research approach. Primary data was obtained from 74 managers of Uganda Red Cross Society constituting 10 top management team, 24 managers from middle level management, and 40 operational level managers using structured questionnaire and interview guide. Data was analyzed using SPSS (v. 25) and Ms. Excel . The study used frequency, and descriptive tables and interpreted based on percentages, mean, standard deviation, and themes. The study found that financial sustainability prevailed in terms of sound financial administration and financial diversification. On the other hand, practices of own income generating activities and strategic financial planning were low. The major challenges of financial sustainability were; over reliance on donor support; limited engagement in fundraising activities; accountability; and failure to institute income generating activities. The key strategies for enhancing financial sustainability were; management commitment; encouraging local philanthropic culture; putting up income generating activities; intensifying fundraising activities; and accountability. The study concludes that NGOs remain susceptible to financial sustainability. The study recommends; Financial diversification; enhancing own income generating capacity; financial accountability; and management commitment to enhance financial sustainability in URCS.