Firm Capabilities, Marketing Capabilities and Internationalization of Local Ugandan Coffee Brands.

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This study sought to examine the relationship between firm capabilities, marketing capabilities and internationalization of Ugandan local coffee brands. The research problem was that despite the importance attached to brand internationalization, there remain low levels of brand internationalization for Ugandan local coffee brands. The research objectives were to examine the relationship between firm capabilities, and internationalization of Ugandan local coffee brands, to examine the relationship between marketing capabilities and internationalization of Ugandan local coffee brands and to examine the combined effect of firm capabilities and marketing on internationalization of Ugandan local coffee brands. The research design was based on a cross sectional study using a quantitative approach. The sample comprised of 24 coffee exporting brands and a simple random sampling approach was used to identify any ten (10) staff from each brand. The research instrument used is a structured questionnaire with pre-coded answers administered to the respondents. The correlation between firm capabilities and brand internationalization was positive and significant (r = .782**, p < .01). Additionally, marketing capabilities were found to have a substantial positive correlation with brand internationalization constructs (r = .854**, p < .01). Both firm capabilities and marketing capabilities predict 73.6 percent of the variance in brand internationalization (Adjusted R Square = 0.736). Based on these findings it was recommended that Ugandan coffee brands aiming for internationalization should invest strategically in developing and enhancing their core firm capabilities, there is a need for a dynamic approach that allows for adaptation and continuous reconfiguration of firm capabilities, local coffee brands should invest in continuous innovation and differentiation in their product offerings, emphasis should be placed on developing dynamic pricing and promotion strategies, and that brands should focus on leveraging emerging digital marketing, tools, analytics, and artificial intelligence to create personalized and data-driven marketing strategies.
A Dissertation Submitted to Makerere University Business School (Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research) in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science in Marketing of Makerere University. (PLAN A).
Julius, N (2023) Firm Capabilities, Marketing Capabilities and Internationalization of Local Ugandan Coffee Brands. Unpublished Masters Dissertation Makerere University Business School. Kampala, Uganda.