The impact on nurses and nurse managers of introducing PEPFAR clinical services in urban government clinics in Uganda

dc.creatorNankumbi, Joyce
dc.creatorGroves, Sara
dc.creatorLeontsini, Elli
dc.creatorKyegombe, Nambusi
dc.creatorCoutinho, Alex
dc.creatorManabe, Yuka
dc.descriptionThis article has been published as part of BMC International Health and Human Right Volume 11 Supplement 1, 2011: An innovative approach to building capacity at an African university to improve health outcomes.
dc.descriptionBackground: Improving provider performance is central to strengthening health services in developing countries. Because of critical shortages of physicians, many clinics in sub-Saharan Africa are led by nurses. In addition to clinical skills, nurse managers need practical managerial skills and adequate resources to ensure procurement of essential supplies, quality assurance implementation, and productive work environment. Giving nurses more autonomy in their work empowers them in the workplace and has shown to create positive influence on work attitudes and behaviors. The Infectious Disease Institute, an affiliate of Makerere University College of Health Science, in an effort to expand the needed HIV services in the Ugandan capital, established a community-university partnership with the Ministry of Health to implement an innovative model to build capacity in HIV service delivery. This paper evaluates the impact on the nurses from this innovative program to provide more health care in six nurse managed Kampala City Council (KCC) Clinics. Methods: A mixed method approach was used. The descriptive study collected key informant interviews from the six nurse managers, and administered a questionnaire to 20 staff nurses between September and December 2009. Key themes were manually identified from the interviews, and the questionnaire data were analyzed using SPSS. Results: Introducing new HIV services into six KCC clinics was positive for the nurses. They identified the project as successful because of perceived improved environment, increase in useful in-service training, new competence to manage patients and staff, improved physical infrastructure, provision of more direct patient care, motivation to improve the clinic because the project acted on their suggestions, and involvement in role expansion. All of these helped empower the nurses, improving quality of care and increasing job satisfaction. Conclusions: This community-university HIV innovative model was successful from the point of view of the nurses and nurse managers. This model shows promise in increasing effective, quality health service; HIV and other programs can build capacity and empower nurses and nurse managers to directly implement such services. It also demonstrates how MakCHS can be instrumental through partnerships in designing and testing effective strategies, building human health resources and improving Ugandan health outcomes.
dc.descriptionBill and Melinda Gates Foundation
dc.identifierNankumbi J., Groves, S., Leontsini, E., Kyegombe, N., Countinho, A., Manabe, Y. (2011). The impact on nurses and nurse managers of introducing PEPFAR clinical services in urban government clinics in Uganda. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 11(S1:S8)
dc.publisherBioMed Central Ltd
dc.subjectNurse managers
dc.subjectHealth workers
dc.subjectSub-Saharan Africa
dc.subjectDeveloping countries
dc.subjectGovernment clinics
dc.subjectClinical Services
dc.titleThe impact on nurses and nurse managers of introducing PEPFAR clinical services in urban government clinics in Uganda
dc.typeJournal article, peer reviewed