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- ItemEmotional intelligence, change management and project implementation in National Environment Management Authority(Makerere University Business School Institutional Repository - MUBSIR, 2021-10-20) Akello, Leila, GosanaThis study examined the relationship between emotional intelligence, change management and project implementation within NEMA. The objectives were; examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and project implementation; examine the relationship between change management and project implementation; assess the relationship between emotional intelligence and change management; and examine the mediation effect of change management in the relationship between emotional intelligence and project implementation in NEMA. This study was a cross-sectional research design along with a quantitative research approach. The study focused on 29 projects under the KCL main project targeting the individual project manager/assistant, main project manager/assistant and field officer. Primary data was obtained using a structured questionnaire instrument. The validity of the instrument was determined using expert judgment and CVI while reliability using pretesting and Cronbach Alpha coefficient. Data was analyzed using SPSS v. 25 and Med Graph system to obtain frequency tables, inferential statistics and Med Graph used to interpret results. The study found that there exists a significant and positive relationship between emotional intelligence and project performance. There was a positive relationship between change management and project implementation. It was also revealed that emotional intelligence is positively associated with change management. Results revealed that change management fully mediates the relationship between emotional intelligence and project implementation. The study concludes that emotional intelligence and change management are key drivers of project implementation. More so, change management fully facilitates the relationship between emotional intelligence and project implementation. This study recommends; enhancing self-awareness; intensify planning for change; proper managing change; and reinforcing change to boost project implementation.
- ItemClaims settlement and sales of insurance products in Uganda the case of national insurance corporation ltd (NIC)(2018-12-13) Nansubuga, JoanClaims settlement, which dates as far back as the history of insurance, is the only reason the consumer (insured) buys an insurance product. The fast administration of Claims is therefore not only a legal obligation of an insurance firm, but also a strong public relations and marketing strategy. The response to claims has rather been slow in Uganda and this is of great concern, since a thriving economy depends to a large extent on the guarantees and assurances received from insurance companies. This research investigated the trends in National Insurance Corporation Limited’s claims settlement system and sales of its insurance products. The objectives of the research were; to assess claims settlement factors that enhance sales of insurance products at NIC, to evaluate the challenges of claims settlement and sales of insurance products at NIC Uganda and to recommend claim settlement strategies that can improve sales of insurance products at NIC. Data collection was conducted by administering questionnaires to both customers and staff of the company. The results obtained from the data collection were cross tabulated and subjected to descriptive analysis. The results obtained established the fact that prompt and satisfactory claims payment had positive effects on the sales of insurance products.
- ItemEnhancing accountability in public private partnerships in Uganda: a case of vegetable oil development project(2018-12-13) Namubiru, HalimaThe purpose of this study was to assess of the strategies for enhancing Accountability in Public Private Partnership (PPP) Projects in Uganda. It was guided by the following objectives; to understand accountability dimensions in Vegetable Oil Development Project, to examine the accountability challenges in Vegetable Oil Development Project and to establish the strategies of enhancing accountability in Vegetable Oil Development Project. A cross sectional and quantitative research designs were used. A sample size of 148 stakeholders was selected from a total population of 240 stakeholders based on the Krejcie, and Morgan, (1970). From this sample, 106 questionnaires were collected giving a 71.6%. The study relied on primary data which was obtained through a self-administered questionnaire. The study employed simple random sampling to select respondents from the entire population and was preferred because each stakeholder had an equal probability of being selected for the sample. Data collected was coded and entered into Statistical Packages for Social Scientists (SPSS Version 22.0) and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study found that transparency, participation, evaluation and complaint investigation are the dimensions of PPP projects in Uganda. Furthermore, results show that the challenges facing PPPs include; abuse of entrusted power for private gain at the expense of the public interest, ineffective contract management, failure to consult all the stakeholders. All these affect accountability question. The study recommends that PPP projects should be emphasize open communication, integrity, be transparent in all transactions. There is a need for performance evaluation to encompass not only financial aspects, but also the societal values of the public services performed by Public Private Partnership Projects.
- ItemDestination marketing, destination image, and the inflow of tourists into Uganda(2018-12-07) Mulondo, MosesThe purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between destination marketing, country/destination image, political stability, and the inflow of tourists into Uganda. The research objectives which guided the investigation included the following; to establish the level of the inflow of tourists in Uganda, to examine the relationship between destination marketing and the inflow of tourists, to ascertain the relationship between destination marketing and the destination image, to study the relationship between political stability and the destination image, to identify the relationship between the destination image and the inflow of tourists into the country, and to find the relationship between political stability and the inflow of tourists. A conceptual framework relating the independent variables to the dependent variable was developed. Data collection was carried out using the purposive sampling method. In undertaking this research, the researcher used quantitative designs in order to establish the relationship between destination marketing, political stability, destination image, and the inflow of tourists into Uganda. Data was collected from the respondents using self-administered questionnaires. A representative number of 190 respondents successfully responded from a targeted sample size of 248 respondents. The findings show that there is a significant positive relationship between destination marketing and the inflow of tourists. The findings also proved that there is a significant positive relationship between political stability and the inflow of tourists. The findings of the investigation also confirmed that there is a significant positive relationship between destination image and the inflow of tourists. The findings however indicate that there is a negative and not significant relationship between destination marketing and destination image.This however contradicts findings of other researchers like Hospers (2004, p. 274). Generally, the research findings revealed that destination marketing, destination image, and political stability contribute significantly to the inflow of tourists into a country (Uganda).
- ItemAdoption of ict, fleet management system and transport efficiency in Uganda(2018-12-03) Matanda, MichaelThe purpose of the study was to examine the Adoption of ICT, Fleet Management and Transport Efficiency in Uganda. The study was guided by the following research objectives: To establish the relationship between Fleet Management system and transport efficiency system; To examine the relationship between adoption of ICT and transport efficiency system. To examine the combined effect of adoption of ICT and fleet management system on transport efficient system.A cross sectional and quantitative survey, was used in the selection of 18 fleet management businesses in Uganda picked from Uganda freight forwarders association (UFFA) 17 Entities was selected and 08 heads of departments were picked purposively which gave a total of 136 respondents using Krejcie and Morgan (1970).But only 98 responded making a percentage of 72.1% sample size determination table by (Krejce and Morgans, 1970).Data was collected using questionnaires. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS 17). Results shows that there is a positive and significant relationship between Fleet Management system and transport efficiency system in Uganda, That there is a positive and significant relationship between adoption of ICT and transport efficiency system in Uganda, that there is a positive and significant relationship between adoption of ICT and Fleet Management and efficiency system in Uganda. The variables entered in the regression model explain an overall of 45.9% (AdjR2 = .459) of the variance in Transport Efficiency, implying that the remaining 54.1% is explained by factors not considered in this study. Nonetheless, considering the three predictors in this study, the results show that ICT Adoption has a better contribution effect on Transport Efficiency of freight forwarders. there is need for continuous training of the managers on how to use and adopt ICT since this enhances their stability to manage the movement of cargo and trucking of the vehicles thus leading to efficient transport system; here is also a need to put much emphasis on equipping the managers of the fleet with technical and operant skills because it enhances their performance hence transport efficiency, the freight forwarders and stakeholders should promote and appreciate ICT Adoption as it‟s vital in achieving transport efficiency, this can be achieved through continued trainings and encouraging the managers to constantly use the system installed for monitoring and fleet management.