Contraceptive knowledge, attitude and practice among secondary school adolescents in Kalungu sub-county, Masaka District.

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A dissertation submitted to the department of nursing as a partial fulfilment for the requirement of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing of Makerere University.
Introduction: There is a high rate and early sexual activity among adolescents in Uganda. These contribute greatly to adolescents multiple problems, which include among others, unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, early marriage, school drop-out and predisposition to HIV/AIDS/STIs. On this basis, it was important to assess the adolescent's contraceptive knowledge, attitude and practice. The study was conducted in five secondary schools located in Kalungu sub-county, Masaka District. Study objectives: To assess current knowledge, attitude and practice of contraceptives among secondary school adolescents. Methodology: A cross-section study was conducted using a quantitative method of data collection in Kalungu sub-county, Masaka district. Five secondary schools were randomly selected and a total sample of 250 respondents was interviewed. The respondent were adolescents, both males and females, aged between 15- 19. Result: The study established that, adolescents were highly knowledgeable on family planning, 230 (92.0%) How ever, their attitude on contraceptives was very poor and this might have contributed to the low use of contraceptives by adolescents, as it was established by the study. Conclusion: The overall knowledge of adolescents on family planning was high how ever, their attitude and practice regarding contraception use was poor. Recommendations: Effective health education and counselling about contraceptives among secondary school adolescents is very important in order to reduce the risks of unwanted pregnancy with all its consequences.
Sex education, Contraceptives, Contraceptive use, Contraceptive use