Supervisor Support, Internal Networking and Employee Productivity of District Local Governments in Eastern Uganda.

dc.contributor.authorKaruhanga, Samuel
dc.descriptionA Dissertation Submitted to Makerere University Business School (Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research) in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of Master of Degree of Human Resource Management of Makerere University. (PLAN A).
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between supervisor support, internal networking, and employee productivity in Kamuli District Local Government. Accordingly, the MoLG synthesis report (2021) revealed that some district local governments in Eastern Uganda like Kamuli district local government characterized by absence of critical staff who are charged with proper execution of the tasks, poor record keeping and documentation pertaining to the accomplishment of given tasks and duties, no evidence of consultative committee to handle staff grievance redress, no rewards and sanction committee, delay to access the pension pay roll and lack of appraisal forms for some heads of department yet district local governments are supposed to enhance service delivery to society. The study used a quantitative cross-sectional survey, conducted using 2069 Kamuli district staff from a sample size of 324. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires that were hand delivered to the respondents. Overall, 290 usable questionnaires representing 90% response rate were collected for analysis. The analysis of data involved descriptive statistics for demographics, correlations and regression analyses for answering the research questions in accordance with the set objectives. The results revealed positive and significant relationships between the following variables; supervisor support and employee productivity, internal networking and employee productivity. In further analysis, it was found that supervisor support and internal networking account for up to 36% of the variance in employee productivity. Based on the study findings, recommendations were advanced regarding the need to strengthen supervisor support and internal networking to enhance employee productivity and subsequently improve the productivity of staff at Kamuli District Local government.
dc.identifier.citationSamuel, K (2023) Supervisor Support, Internal Networking and Employee Productivity of District Local Governments in Eastern Uganda : A Case of Kamuli District Local Government. Unpublished Masters Dissertation Makerere University Business School. Kampala, Uganda.
dc.titleSupervisor Support, Internal Networking and Employee Productivity of District Local Governments in Eastern Uganda.
dc.title.alternativeA Case of Kamuli District Local Government.
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