Organisational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Organisational Committment among Employees in Renewable Energy Industry.

dc.contributor.authorAmayo, Scovia Susan
dc.descriptionA Dissertation Submitted to Makerere University Business School (Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research) in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements of the Award of Masters of Degree of Human Resource Management of Makerere University. (PLAN A).
dc.description.abstractThis study examined the relationship between organizational culture, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in renewable energy industry. The study was a cross-sectional research design along with a quantitative research approach. A sample of 370 field staff working within the renewable energy industry was used. Data was obtained using a structured questionnaire. SPSS (v. 25) was used to analyze data. Results were presented using frequency tables, correlation, regression and a med-graph. The study found a positive relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment. There was a positive relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The study found a positive relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction. The study found that job satisfaction is a partial mediator in the relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment. The study concludes that cultural attributes instigate beliefs, values, and norms which shape the way things are done in the company, to shape employees’ psychological, emotional, and mental thinking. Furthermore, it summarizes that job satisfaction is indispensable in determining organizational commitment. The study recommends; Renewable energy companies must embrace favorable organizational cultures; and enhance job satisfaction to have a committed workforce. The study suggests future research, especially; investigating the relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment in the renewable energy industry with focus on other different cultural dimensions; and longitudinal research examining the relationship between organizational culture, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in renewable energy industry.
dc.identifier.citationScovia, S . A (2023) Organisational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Organisational Committment among Employees in Renewable Energy Industry. Unpublished Masters Dissertation Makerere University Business School. Kampala, Uganda.
dc.titleOrganisational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Organisational Committment among Employees in Renewable Energy Industry.
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